My wife purchased some music at Fred Meyer today... Mothership by Led Zeppelin. Given the fact for the past 5 years all the music both of us have purchased has been on iTunes, the acquisition of a vinyl LP (you know, the black, somewhat bendable, 33-1/3 RPM stuff) is a rather strange, unsettling experience. I haven't even purchased a CD in several years. It's probably been 25 years since I've personally purchased an vinyl LP. If you would have asked me a week ago, if I'd ever buy a vinyl LP, I'd probably have answered "Hell no!". The only exception might be an older album that I wanted to digitize in transfer into iTunes.
A vinyl LP? What the hell? Where are we going to store it? It's so damn big!! "There's a disturbance in The Force."
LP's are genrally better sound quality, mp3/4's are compressed so much now to be 3meg per song it decreases the tonal range of the instruments that have been recorded so on vinyl you get a thicker richer sound. Plus now I-tunes charges surplus for you to get the booklet that you once got free with a CD and vinyl, and more and more people like to see the fancy art work and you can only get them spreads on vinyl. To me its about having the song in a format that I can hold and I have just started collect more vinyl because I like the artwork.
Posted by: Ben | October 15, 2009 at 02:45 PM